Phantom Amethyst, Brandberg, Namibia
Well formed crystal point with Amethyst and Smokey Quartz phantom inclusions. The luster is exceptional, with a natural glass-like texture! A beautiful piece.
Measurements: ~1-1/4" long x 3/4" wide x 5/8" thick
Location: Brandberg, Namibia, Africa
Brandberg Quartz are found only in the Goboboseb Mountains (more often known as Brandberg locality) in Namibia, Africa. These crystals have a combination of Amethyst, Clear Quartz and Smokey Quartz. This location is known for exceptional quality crystals with great clarity, and rare and interesting inclusions. Some inclusions that can be found in Brandberg Quartz can be; enhydros, phantoms, scepter formations, Lepidocrosite, and Hematite.
Phantom Quartz is created when minerals have been washed over and captured within a crystal during its growing process. The mineral deposit acts as a record of the crystal's lifetime. Phantoms appear as ghost crystals, or faint lines that mimic the shape of the main termination of the crystal. Phantom colors vary depending on the mineral which is captured. Very frequently, these phantoms are chlorite, hematite, or clay. Another way that phantoms can be formed is through natural irradiation, or a temporary increase in temperature during the growing process. The increase in temperature results in deeper or more vivid colors especially in smokey quartz and amethyst.