Rose Quartz Hummingbird Carving

Rose Quartz Hummingbird Carving

Quick Overview

Rose Quartz Hummingbird with Fluorite Wings perched on a quartz/epidote base. The quartz/epidote is attached to an acrylic base.

Measurements: ~3-1/2 " tall x 2-¾" wide x 1-¾" deep 

Location: Brazil/China


More Information

Rose Quartz is a translucent type of quartz that is named for its pink hue. It's considered to get its color from trace amounts of aluminum or phosphate. One type of Rose quartz is often used in sculptures and lapidary work. Another type can be found as well formed crystals. The color of Rose Quartz is light sensitive and can be subject to fading.

Fluorite is the "State Mineral" of Illinois. Fluorite forms in a variety of colors and is transparent to translucent in clarity. The chemical composition of Fluorite is CaF2, (calcium & fluorine.) The variation in colors are due to trace amounts of other elements replacing the calcium during the crystalline formation. 

Fluorite is used in a variety of industrial purposes and the overwhelming percentage of Fluorite in the United States was mined in Illinois and Kentucky. Illinois became the leading Fluorite producer in the early 1940's, but during the 1990's, 90% of the U.S. Fluorite was imported with Illinois remaining the last U.S. producer.

Fluorite was was mined deep underground with many of the mines over 1,200 feet deep. The last Illinois mine was capped and flooded in 1995.